Mexican Food
The Mexican cuisine Traditional Mexican Dishes , is well known for its daring, hot food , tangy lavor, decoration and the variety of spices that are added to each meal. new mexican food Mexican gastronomy is one of the richest in the world, rich with proteins, vitamins and minerals.When the spanish army arrived and conquered Mexico, they found that most of the populations' diet consists of dishes with corn, chile peppers , chile chili's and herbs, usually beans and squash. The indigenous foods also included choclate, maize, peanut and sweet potato. huevos a la mexicana The spanish, who are known for their tasty food, added ingredients such as burrito , bagel , rice, beaf, chicken, wine, garlic, pork echiladas and onions from Spain to the local foods typical mexican food mexican dishes The french occupation in Mexico also influenced the Mexican cuisine. heuvos revueltos The Mexican food named bolillo was refle
cted by the french cuisine and changed its ingredien
plato de frutas This site will help you to choose your menu at any Mexican food restaurant or mexican recipies in the World or if you arrive to Mexicochilaquites You can learn more about the New Mexican cuisine on the next page. mexican breakfast
If you want to try traditional mexican food You can order tomatillos or poblano + Crema Poblana or aztecs or taco at the Mexican restaurant
2 medium poblano chiles, roasted and peeled
1/2 cup milk
1 teaspoon salt
1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil, for sautéing
2 large cloves garlic, minced
1/2 onion, very thinly sliced
1 cup heavy cream
To make poblano chile peppers - Rub all eight poblanos with olive oil. Place them on a hot comal or under the broiler, turning as needed until the skin is evenly charred. Place red peppers on a plate and top with a damp towel to allow them to steam for about 11 minutes. Remove the charred bubbles. Hold a pepper from the stem and cut a slit across , open gently and carefully remove seeds and veins. Repeat with five more of the remaining chiles. Remove stems, seeds and veins from the remaining some chiles

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